
More knitting......

Now I started to mix different colours together. I think these photos turned out really well.



I started to use a mix of two colours to experiment with the difference between that and the single coloured wool.

I found that as the knitting got longer the wool started to curl around on itself. I liked this effect as it reminded me of one of the floats at the carnival. I am now going to continue to experiment with knitting.


"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up"
Pable Picasso
I really like this quote and feel that when teaching I could discuss this quote with the children.


Starting to knit....(not very well)

Here is a photo of my first ever piece of knitting. This had to be unpicked alot by my mom to get rid of the holes a few times. I also kept adding more stitches on accident to the piece got wider.
From this point I am going to keep practicing knitting.