
More experimentation

I started to think about including a wider range of materials. After looking at the work of artists such as Rosana Castrillo Diaz, who uses paper in an interesting way I decided to experiment with paper.

I used tissue paper and gathered it up together to create a ruffled effect. I think that this was really effective. I really like this image, as the main focus is on the paper.

Here I began to add different coloured 'paper ruffles' in with the knitting that I had done previously. I found that they complimented each other well. I also tried to ensure that I kept the colour scheme from the knitting I had done.

I think the angle of light works well in this image. Although this image is difficult to understand unless you have seen my previous work, I quite like that its open to interpretation.


I think the mix of bright colours and the ribbons really compliment eachother well .


Gentle suggests that "Each one of us responds differently to experience; we have different memories and associations; we develop different patterns of understanding and belief and we see and feel differently. In the field of education, the uniqueness of each person's experience and how this may be reflected in his/hers art is especially valued"
(Gentle P. 88 1985)
Gentle K (1985) Children and Art Teaching, Croom Helm LTD, Kent


Adding ribbons to my knitting..

I really like the mix of the wool and the ribbons together. I think they work really well and the ribbons provide some added ligth to the composition.