
Mixing knitting...

I started to mix the knitting together. In this picture I really like the effect, however I think that brighter colours are needed.
"My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso" Pablo Picasso
I just like this quote and think its really whitty.


Guerilla Knitters....

I really like this.

I really like the idea of using a variety of different materials in the same way.

I was really excited and intresed in the work of the Guerilla Knitters. This made me see how much can be done with knitting. I like the mix of bright colours and the unusual places that they put their exhibitions.


Hanging the wool

I started to knit thicker and thinner pieces together. I then began to hang the wool from wire. This idea was inspired by Cornelia Parker, who hung her exibition from the celing.


Platting wool....

I really like this picture. I think its really simple.

Here I started to look a platting wool togerher. I think the mix of colours is really exciting next to the solid colour of the knitted pieces. Platting the wool together really allows me to experiment with different colours to see what works well together.